Big Brothers Big Sisters SWLA Big Defender Fund
The Big Defender Fund was created to serve as a long-term investment for the sustainability of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana youth mentoring programs.
In addition to current youth mentoring programs offered by BBBS, the fund will be used to: expand youth safety practices and quality of match relationships; address other mentoring needs of young people when a need is identified; support services for parents and guardians; and provide innovative new mentoring programs that reach older youth and young adults.
For online donations, click the Donate Now button below. All check donations need to be made out to the Community Foundation SWLA and in the memo, Big Defender Fund is written.
If donating by check please mail it to: P.O. Box 3125 Lake Charles, LA 70602
or you can drop off a check in person at our office at 1155 Ryan Street Suite 212 Lake Charles, LA 70601 during business hours M-F 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Donations to the Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana are processed by our affiliate, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation. The DONATE NOW button below leads to a page on their website.