Leaving A Legacy
The Community Foundation of SWLA is built on the spirit of giving which is a hallmark of the people in our area. The Foundation’s Leave A Legacy program recognizes people who are making generous gifts today that will provide significant benefits to our community well into the future. A gift can be as simple as including a bequest to the Foundation in your will. You may leave a percentage of your estate, specify the dollar amount, or designate the Foundation as a contingent beneficiary.
However, planned giving encompasses much more than a simple bequest. With the goals of providing for your loved ones, reducing taxes, and remembering worthy causes, there are a variety of techniques available—with mutual benefit to you and your favorite charitable organizations both now and in the distant future.
For more information, contact dvaughan@foundationswla.org.
Meanwhile, click here to take a glance at a story about our Leave A Legacy program that first appeared in the Lake Charles American Press.
“We have a preference for local organizations that support kids, such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Harbor House, and Junior League. But we were so delighted we could support our church through the Foundation, too. So, it’s a win/win.””
“My core belief is that we’re called to lift people up whenever we can. I’m trying to raise my kids the way I was raised…that it’s your responsibility to help other people and help your community if you have the ability to do so. It brings me great joy to make a contribution that will live on.””
“I’ve always just wanted to help people, which is why I became a pharmacist. There are a lot of people in my age bracket who don’t know how to do something like this and they think it may be difficult. But it’s really very simple. There’s a tax benefit that comes with giving, but it’s also very heartwarming to know you’re helping your community for many years to come.””